It's all gone a little bit wrong, I knew it had as soon as I started but had to carry on to make sure that it was even. I have started to add colour to this portrait and began using yellow ochre mixed with a burnt umber and white, that wasn't quite right, so I then just added burnt umber and loads of white. At least he still looks alive, usually when it goes really wrong they look dead. I will have to wait for this layer to dry and then attempt to put it right later
This new portrait has had another layer of paint added, still using the two colours that I always use. I will add flesh colour later when I am sure that the values are right. Do you like that word I just used, values? I'm starting to get proper arty even using the right words now. By the way, dont press that like button under this post! I had a lovely comment left for me, it really spurs you on when you get those. Sometimes one gets a little despondent thinking no-one is looking but then someone says something really nice.
Started this new portrait today, this is just the underpainting so it's likely to change quite a lot (needs to!). I have only used the normal two colours for this. Have you noticed something on this page, right under this post? There are some buttons that you can click on and it likes it on my facebook page or you can tweet it from here too. Only noticed them yesterday and decided to try it out myself. When I went on to my facebook profile there was the post (I quickly deleted it though in case anyone thought I was bigging up myself too much). Click on it if you want to though, I'd love that.
This is my new painting and, I think, it speaks for itself really. Not finished yet still got to put the face on. A few different colours used this time - The dress is alzarin red and white, blended. The fur is a mix of burnt umber, yellow ochre and white. I will do a lot more work to the fur yet. The pads are yellow ochre, raw umber and white.
I've finished this one now, I think if I do anymore to it, it will spoil. I have left it monotone as it looks ok like that. The only colours used are raw umber and titanium white. Hope you like it, I will be starting another one tomorrow.
This is the second day of this new painting. It is oil on canvas and only 16"x12". I think I will be keeping it monotone as it is now. The two colours used are the usual raw umber and titanium white. I am painting this from life too, which I do really prefer rather than from photos.
This is about finished, the only thing I haven't done is one of the fella's eyebrows. I'll do that later because I can't do anymore to this at the moment. It's driving me a bit mad now so I have had to start a new one. The new one that I have started is pictured below, it's an old pair of sneakers. The new one is just the underpainting for the moment and I am doing that from life.
This is the most recent painting that I have been working on, for three weeks now and it's been a nightmare. The chap at the front has been changed numerous times and I still dont think he is quite right. It is a much larger painting than I have been doing being 39"x28". The bit I like the best is the spot on the middle chap's chin (I've put a picture below). I'm completely lost on the colours that I used, I did start out with doing the underpainting is sap green and titanium white.