Well this Toffee Applie is more or less done. Just a couple more highlights to do and it's done. Hope you like it.
Well I'm in the middle of painting this toffee apple as my offering for Halloween. Thought that pumpkins were done by lots of people so I chose something different. I found it in amongst the vegetables at Tesco. I can remember these from when I was a child, but I thought they tasted much nicer then than they do now, might be that tastebuds have got old. I still have a little more to do on it, the end has to be worked on a bit more.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Well it's finished, or once again, I shouldn't try and do anymore. This is Winnie the Labradoodle, she is a beautiful dog with a lovely character (I've met her) and she looks like she is laughing all of the time. That is what I have tried to capture in this portrayal. I have also done it in a Pop Art style as it is going to be a gift for a young person from the person who commissioned it from me.
I have not used many colours at all in this, raw umber, burnt umber, titanium white, alzarin crimson and a small amount of lamp black. You cannot feel any texture on the painting (it's as flat as a print) but you can, hopefully, see it
Here is today's work on the Labradoodle. This painting is certainly attracting quite a lot of attention, people love it which is brilliant, I hope that the people who commissioned it do too.
I have added still more white to the fur, added diamanties to the collar and worked on the pink heart that hangs from the collar.
I hope you like it too.
I have been gradually lightening the dog's fur and this is as far as I got today. The head has been done but under the collar hasn't as yet. (I don't think this page update is going to work as the little loading button is still going round but I will carry on regardless).
Anyway, I have also added red to her tongue, collar and that little heart shape. Hope you are liking it.
I sit there in Gallery 150, Regent Court Shopping Centre, Leamington Spa, painting away and occasionally something catches my eye out of the window. Today it was this!
....and this is a commission that I started today. I have got the tongue slightly too high so I will be moving that down tomorrow. I thought the dog was amazing as it looked like it was laughing all of the time. It is called a Labradoodle.
I am working on all of these paintings at Gallery 150, Regent Court Shopping Centre, Livery Street, Leamington Spa so if you are in the area, do pop in and say hello.
Had to resort to doing another still life too and this one is being worked on at the moment. The blue thing is the start of a label. I was in the supermarket when a saw a woman sticking her nails into the pears to test whether they were ripe (I suppose). At first I was disgusted but then when I looked at the pear I thought I would buy it and use it in a painting. I liked the nail marks and the bruising that she had caused.
This one is still being worked on at the moment. I have added the strip of red down the side to attempt to balance the painting and add some contrast to the black and white.
I really dont know where this one came from, I have some very strange ideas sometimes. Still here he is, it is a Bulldog and he is supposed to be looking through a window on a rainy night. The white bit in the corner is not a flash bouncing off it, it is painted on.
Here is a portrait that I completed during October. It is of a lovely lady that I know. It is oil on canvas and 16"x12" so not huge.
Yay, I've managed to do a citrus fruit, all this time these fruits have defeated me. I am still finding it quite hard and it's numerous layers of paint. I still have more yellow to add, I started out with green and have been putting the yellow layers on top with little bits of white here and there.
This angry dog is now finished all I had to do was add another layer of red to the bow.
Sometimes I am a bit of a bad ass, this is my painting in the window of Gallery 150, Livery Street, Leamington Spa. There was this empty stand you see and I am looking after it, thought it looked a bit naked like that so took in this painting and put it there. It was actually attracting quite a lot of attention which was great. The only time this painting has left the studio was to go into The Rugby Open in 2009 so it was long overdue an outing.