Art by Wendy Cook |
![]() This is so amazing for me, I have had a write up done in an art magazine called Artspace 39. In the same magazine there is a write up on John Devane (he who has had work in BP Portrait Awards and got 2nd place). Really amazing
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![]() As you can see, I can't stop myself from painting cakes or eating them really. I get them from a French patisserie that we have here in Leamington. I love the colours and everything about them. This is the first layer of paint being added so I will be building it up more. See down below for before this. I can only remember some of the colours I've used in this, they are Prussian blue, cadium red (hue), sap green, chrome orange, cadium yellow hue, yellow ochre, titanium white, raw umber, alizarin crimson, burnt umber and a couple more that I can't remember.
![]() This is the latest painting that I am working on. I was inspired to do this when I watched a programme on BBC 4 about the old Dutch masters and their still life work. Note the modern glass though, that has to be there to show that it is off this day not from the past. Really enjoying doing it and will probably do another similar one later. Still got to add lots of shadows to all of the fruit but will post the finished one later.
![]() Struggled a bit last week, first of the winter season's colds I think. Never mind back on it now but it has put me well behind with all I needed to get done.
This is a new oil on canvas of a pink grapefruit, red really but there you go. Really enjoying doing this as it's quite a challenge. Started as usual with a sketch in very think raw umber (not even bothering with the white now, that's lazy for you. I made this mess with peeling the grapefruit too, never been very good at that. Someone told me that they use hydrochloric acid to remove the pith of grapefruit for canning. Last time I eat any of that, I'll stick to my messy peeling I think. Anyway back to the painting, colours used so far Alzarin Crimson, Cadium Red (Hue), Cadium Orange, white, raw umber, Cadium lemon, light red and errrrr think that's it actually. Speak again soon. ![]() This is the latest painting that I've been working on, still trying to get citrus fruit to look like it should. This is oil on canvas and is only 16"x 12". I started it on Sunday (I think) and have been working on it until today (it's Friday). The part of the orange peel around the fruit that looks like it is missing will end up being in deep shadow so that's why it looks a bit odd. By the way, where are all the hits coming from, I can't understand why I am getting so many or how my site is being found? Suppose I might have to upgrade to find that out. ![]() Here's how the same painting was about 2 days in. I had started to add the under layers, all darker than they needed to be. I also worked from the top to the bottom. I have learn't to do this as I have many ruined cuffs of jumpers etc from leaning in wet paint. A friend made me a mahl stick to use but I usually only remember it after I've finished. ![]() That looks a mess doesn't it? This is the VERY start of the painting. A sketch that is done in very thin raw umber. I don't usually use pencil or charcoal for the sketches as it moves too much when I start to add the paint. After this the raw umber background was done, then started with the colours. If you have time, pop over to my facebook page and say "hello" http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wendy-Cook/106237526094484
![]() So very sorry to have updated this page for such a long time but I have been sucked into updating my Facebook page all the time. I cannot believe how many hits this website has been having too, really don't know where everyone has been coming from.
This is my latest drawing and it is my tribute to the late, great Lou Reed. Amazing musician and such a character. This is all done in 2b and 6b pencil, nearly killed me today too, I had forgotten to take my mask down to the studios with me. Eventually I had to concede and go and buy one. Little tip, if you are doing these types of drawings upright like I do, always wear a mask. ![]() This is where I am working at the moment, in full view of the public and other artists, yikes. It is in Regent Court Shopping Centre, Livery Street, Leamington Spa. Enjoying the environment, it is peaceful and open. Getting loads of stuff done too so, if you are around in Leamington Spa do pop in. Here is a little film of a walk around it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oZ7GUA7ETs ![]() This one is called Coffee Pot and is a work in progress but all I have to do is finish the painting the browns on that cream bit that is there. ![]() This one is called Pepsi Cans and is also a work in progress. This has now had 2 layers of paint added. Both of these paintings are being worked on in the new studio.