Art by Wendy Cook |
This is where I am working at the moment, in full view of the public and other artists, yikes. It is in Regent Court Shopping Centre, Livery Street, Leamington Spa. Enjoying the environment, it is peaceful and open. Getting loads of stuff done too so, if you are around in Leamington Spa do pop in. Here is a little film of a walk around it This one is called Coffee Pot and is a work in progress but all I have to do is finish the painting the browns on that cream bit that is there. This one is called Pepsi Cans and is also a work in progress. This has now had 2 layers of paint added. Both of these paintings are being worked on in the new studio.
Once again I had a lovely day painting at Gallery 150, Leamington Spa. I really enjoy doing it and meeting so many different, lovely people that come in.
I have started to add colour to the food now and this is the first layer done (only half of the bacon is done at the moment though). The mushrooms are all wrong but I will have another go at them tomorrow. I might have to add a slice of black pudding aswell as there is a gap which is a bit too big on the plate. I had to go and buy a tomato today because I couldn't remember exactly what they looked like, thought it was too hard to do so turned one of them over then managed to get the second one looking like it should anyway. My favourite bit at the moment is the puddle of tomato ketchup. This is a painting that I have been working on at Gallery 150, Regent Court Shopping Centre, Leamington Spa. I started off with painting the mange tout and I am now trying to make it look like a plastic bag full of mange tout. It was quite worrying starting off because the vegtables looked ok and I had to put white paint all over them. If it didn't work it would have had to end up in the bin. That would not be good when working in the public eye. Colours used are raw umber, titanium white and sap green. There is also 3 layers of sap green on the mange tout.