I am working on all of these paintings at Gallery 150, Regent Court Shopping Centre, Livery Street, Leamington Spa so if you are in the area, do pop in and say hello.

Art by Wendy Cook |
![]() ....and this is a commission that I started today. I have got the tongue slightly too high so I will be moving that down tomorrow. I thought the dog was amazing as it looked like it was laughing all of the time. It is called a Labradoodle. I am working on all of these paintings at Gallery 150, Regent Court Shopping Centre, Livery Street, Leamington Spa so if you are in the area, do pop in and say hello. ![]() Had to resort to doing another still life too and this one is being worked on at the moment. The blue thing is the start of a label. I was in the supermarket when a saw a woman sticking her nails into the pears to test whether they were ripe (I suppose). At first I was disgusted but then when I looked at the pear I thought I would buy it and use it in a painting. I liked the nail marks and the bruising that she had caused. ![]() This one is still being worked on at the moment. I have added the strip of red down the side to attempt to balance the painting and add some contrast to the black and white. ![]() I really dont know where this one came from, I have some very strange ideas sometimes. Still here he is, it is a Bulldog and he is supposed to be looking through a window on a rainy night. The white bit in the corner is not a flash bouncing off it, it is painted on. ![]() Here is a portrait that I completed during October. It is of a lovely lady that I know. It is oil on canvas and 16"x12" so not huge.
![]() What's the nicest thing about working in the gallery? It's meeting the people that come through the door, I already met lots of new people since I started doing this a couple of weeks ago. Today was really busy right from when the doors were first opened.
I didn't get very much done today, only managing to put another layer on the one side. Some people see other things in this painting that I haven't. Some see a footballer with his arm outstretched, others see a profile and others see the continent of Africa (or America it was one or the other). I think that's brilliant I like it when that happens. Hope you all had a good day today, it's been a very hot one here. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wendy-Cook/106237526094484 ![]() In a moment of madness I decided that one of my paintings is going to be given away (free of charge) to someone that adds notifications to my facebook page. I have done it that way because the people that have always followed my page can then be included in the give away. Dont think that this is one that I dont like either, this is actually one of my favourites. When I told my husband he said, "what if they are in America?" well I will just have to post it in that case. If you want to take part you will need to "like" my facebook page (there is a link to that on the Home page of this website and you have to click the box at the top that says "like". I will also see if I can copy the link on to this diary page too.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wendy-Cook/106237526094484 ![]() The finished painting, cant say much more really. There are still only 3 colours in the whole canvas, titanium white, sap green and raw umber. The only thing that I still have to do is to put a black wash over the background, the reason for that is it's really difficult to match a frame to raw umber.
![]() I have added another two layers of red and one of green today. In the background you can see the peppar that I am using for the painting and, yes, it is orange. I decided that I preferred the red one so have just changed the colour. I will put on another 2 or 3 layers of colour until I get the depth that I need and will then start adding white for the highlights, which is my favourite part of any painting. I have now found an image that I would like to use in my next one so will be starting that later today. I have also got to add some more to that portrait that I started as most of that is now dry. If I do any to that I will update again later. Hope you all had a good day today.
This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar. ![]() This is the painting that I am working on at the moment. I started with a raw umber wash all over the canvas then a very basic sketch with off white paint. Once everything is lined up and perspective is kinda right (in my eyes anyway) I will leave that to dry over night before starting with the layers. Once dry I will start to scumble layers of oil paint, without any medium, in to the portrait to build up depth. These first layers are usually done just in raw umber mixed with the off white. The portrait appears to be black and white. Once this has dried I then start to scumble layers of colour on to the painting. This painting has got some of it's colour worked in and is now ready for more layers to be added as it is sufficiently dry. That is what I am about to do so I will update later with todays work.