That, unfortunately, gave me this brilliant idea. To arrange an event in the middle of Leamington along similar lines. Now I have these great ideas in the morning and by the afternoon have, usually, managed to persuade myself not to go through with it. In this case though I couldn't find enough good reasons not to do it and all the tools that I need to make it a success are fairly easy to find, or so I thought. The venue is in a public park so I had to ring an official to see whether or not we could use it. The lady was really positive and very upbeat about the idea saying that it could really "take off" and become a regular event. She said that she would send me an application for an event licence which was relatively easy to complete, also could I make sure I applied at least 6 weeks before the event because it has to go through various other people within the council for approval. ALARM BELLS ARE RINGING, COULD BE ON A HIDING TO NOTHING HERE. Well I have had the email with said event licence application form attached and, as with most District Council stuff it's about 30 pages long and full of stuff that would be more applicable if I were erecting a Big Top in the Jephsons. That's bureaucracy for you and I have never found it to be useful or encouraging but guesss I've got to live with that if I want to try and carry this event on.
That explains why there is not a lot of painting done today. Speak again tomorrow!