Last week was aweful, couldn't seem to paint anything.  I think it might have had something to do with being very nervous about submitting my paintings to The Consortium at The Herbert Art Gallery in Coventry on Saturday.  I had two accepted and I was really pleased, Sunday I was able to paint again.  The one above is the start of a conch shell that I have.  I have had to do everything in reverse because this is on top of two pictures that were started last week on this canvas.  I had to block it all out with the raw umber and then start to form the shell with titanium white.  So now I will spend a few days lightening it and then will add some colour.  It looks a bit strange at the moment but hopefully it will improve. 

The two paintings that are in The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry from 15 September until 20 October are Eggshells and Dog.  Both of these are in the gallery on this website.

Also if you would like to join me on Facebook I would be really pleased to see you there and the link to that is on the Home page of this website.

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