I've got some more done with this painting that I started last week.  I have put some colour onto the hood and done a little more around the eyes and nose.  The next to be done is the scarf around the face.  I have to do some more to the eyes because they are not quite right yet but getting there.  He also doesn't have any eyebrows yet and once they are on then the face should start to look right.  At the end the face will mainly be in shadow rather than showing up as well as this one does.
I hope you all had a good weekend, the usual Bank Holiday weather I fear, never mind it's time off.
I looked today at The Worcester Open site and my painting seems to be in The Pitt Gallery there, if you go to www.worcesteropen.co.uk  then click on select tab, click on Pitt and mine is right at the top, it's called "Binned".  Looks like they have some excellent work there so I must try and get over there at the weekend if possible to have a look.  Also coming up is The Kenilworth Festival, I have to take 3 paintings there a week tomorrow.  They are "Dog", "Tango" and "John".  Then a week on Friday I'm taking "The Joker" over to The Lock Gallery, Coventry for a Monster Exhibition.

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