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 This is the new name for this painting "Life's a Bitch", the reason I have called it that is because I think that the bear's face is saying that, this has been his role all his life, holding eggs and getting covered in yolk.  At the moment I have computer rage because everything that I am going on to, or trying to go on to, at the moment will not work properly.  That includes this site, see that title with all those slashes in, I didn't put them there and I also can't seem to get rid of them.  On my Twitter, I can't load up any pics on to Twitpic and haven't been able to for almost a week.  All this is making me a tad tetchy so I will be brief.  Bye for now and, hopefully, will have something else to load up tomorrow.

5/30/2012 12:03:43 pm

will be restored before long


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