What's happening? Sorry I haven't been on here for a few days, there's a very good reason for that too. I couldn't paint, no motivation and I dont know why. I have almost ruined the last one that I put on here but today I managed to pull it back a little and will have another go at it tomorrow. I had to start this new one today so that I had a break from the other. I have started it in much the same way as I started Samuel L. You see the dark line right at the top of the canvas that was where it started. I put that line there and then the other line going down the page. I reached the eyebrow bit and then started to add some white in. I have left the eyes blank at the moment as I dont have to do them just yet. The nose it a bit odd again and is definately not the same as it is on my reference picture. Hopefully I will be back in the swing of now and will be able to get loads done tomorrow and resume updates daily.