There wont be anything on here until Wednesday next week as I am away for the Bank Holiday, see you all then. Wendyxx
Got another layer of white put onto the glove of this golfing painting. That's probably the only colour I will continue to add now until I put in more detail. The golf ball will have to have it's dimples put on and I am not sure at all how I am going to do that. I might use my oil pencils, draw them on and then paint over the top of them. The glove also should have more detail, I think they need little air holes, that shouldn't be too hard, famous last words there. I can remember thinking that about another painting and it turned out to be the hardest one I hav ever done.
I have also done a little more to this one. All I am doing at the moment is using raw umber and white to build up depth in the painting. Once I am at a point where I am happy with that then I will add some colour. The only place I have worked on is the eyes, face and the edge of the hood. Still working the wrong way around, no sketching,
I've had to start a new one because all of the others are still too wet to work on. If you work on one when it's tacky it will bobble up and look terrible, so I try not to do that. Dont know if you can see what this is going to be, It will all becorme clearer later. It's going to be quite a dark picture and talks about social problems of today ish. This is just underpainted in raw umber and white, no sketch was done to start with because I started with a burnt umber background. I started at the top and worked my way down with the shapes in white, blending as I went into the raw umber. This is how I always used to work and I dont know why I've reverted back but there you go.
Below you will see one that I was working on a couple of weeks back and which almost ended up in the bin because I couldn't get it to look right. I have waited until it's completely dry and then added some more layers on it, I have also put in some shadows where they should be. Dont know if I will do any more, watch this space.
I'm back on the case with this golf painting now, not sure if it looks any different from when I last put a pic on but it's had quite a lot of paint. I first used raw umber and white and then realised that the colour was all wrong. Had to let it dry then start again with black and white, that's why it might not look that different. From now the only colour I will be adding will white and I will build that up in layers until I have the depth that I want. Still dont know whether to put the tee going into something or whether to just leave it like it is.
No it's not one of mine, wish it was! This is a painting called The Audience by Sir Anthony Sher that is on display along with a lot of his other paintings at The Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry. I thought all of this work was really brilliant, everything had a meaning to it and you could always see what the painter was trying to say. Well I thought so anyway. My favourites of his were the ones that he did of his parents. He did three of his mother alone and two of those were near the end of her life when she was suffering from Alzheimers and just before her death. I thought they were really moving because you could see the decline of this beautiful woman right before your eyes. Definately worth going to see if ever you see an exhibition of his work near you.
I'm leaving it now, so I'm saying it's done!
Do you know I'm as blind as a bat, even with the glasses on. I dont know whether to include them in this or not, my husband says dont but, the problem is, I have done the face as if they are there so, I think something is missing. He says that my face isn't as long as that but I always do portraits with a long face perhaps that's is how I see them I dont know. The hair still needs "lifting" on the one side it still looks a bit flat so I will have to work out how I'm going to do that. Now I must return to my paintings as I have some others to finish off that were drying so more might appear a bit later.
There's something wrong with this page, still I'll carry on, you might see some odd things like the odd symbol here and there but I can assurre you it's not me doing it. I managed to get a little bit done to this before I went out today. I have started to add more highlights and lowlights. It never ceases to amaze me what a little bit of white paint will do, then I tend to overdo that. I have added a small amount of colour permanent alzarin crimson to different areas of the face and have also started to bring the general skin tone in. The colours for the skin tone are a mix of yellow ochre, burnt umber, flesh tint and white. I still have to do the hair properly and put in all of the shadows. I also went over to Rugby Art Gallery to act as Steward for a couple of hours over the lunchtime, you meet some great people doing that.