Spend another couple of hours on this today and, I think, it's getting there. Of course, as time progresses so the poor old corn that I am looking is getting older and the leaves have started to curl up, hence that funny looking twisty bit. I have added another layer of yellow to the corns and more green and white to the leaves. I think this is going to need a few layers of those colours. At the end I will also probably wash raw umber over most of it. The leaves should be striped but I wont do that until the end. Colours used are still the same as before, Cadium yellow hue, sap green, titanium white and raw umber. Now I must do some more work on the shell that I started earlier in the week.
By the way, if you happen to be in Coventry, West Midlands during September/October, I have two paintings that are in The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum which is just across the way from The Cathedral. It is The Consortium Exhibition and runs from 15 September until 20 October.
I only managed to spend about an hour on this today, the garden was calling as it is slowely being swallowed up by the weeds. Sorry this photo does not show what I have done that well. I have added some depth to the corn edges that are exposed and put some paint on the little bit of core that is showing. I was really interested to read about the use of corn in South Africa (read the comment from Jo on yesterday's post).
Thank you so much Jo Taylor and Grace Coffee for those comments, I really appreciate that, it's so nice to get feed back, thank you very much. Wendy xx
Well on day 2 I have managed to add some more colour to the leaves and to the corn itself. The only problem was that, as I got further down the sweetcorn, it started to get muddier. This should be easy to rectify when it's dry. I was thinking that it would need more layers anyway. I have moved the leaves since yesterday, (with great difficulty and much swearing I can tell you), too. The very end of the sweetcorn I have not done anything with as yet, the little yellow bits are missing from there and I have got to think about how I am going to paint that on to the painting. Colours used are the same as yesterday but with the addition cadium lemon hue.
....and I have started yet another one, still got the shell on the go, this is another new one. This time I have not gone over the top of another painting so I was able to start building the green layers up straight away. I am not sure that I will leave the leaves at the back just straight like that because they are a bit boring, I might peel another couple of layers back. Also it will have lots of "hairs" on it in the end as in real life. Colours used so far are Sap Green, Titanium white and raw umber.
Last week was aweful, couldn't seem to paint anything. I think it might have had something to do with being very nervous about submitting my paintings to The Consortium at The Herbert Art Gallery in Coventry on Saturday. I had two accepted and I was really pleased, Sunday I was able to paint again. The one above is the start of a conch shell that I have. I have had to do everything in reverse because this is on top of two pictures that were started last week on this canvas. I had to block it all out with the raw umber and then start to form the shell with titanium white. So now I will spend a few days lightening it and then will add some colour. It looks a bit strange at the moment but hopefully it will improve.
The two paintings that are in The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry from 15 September until 20 October are Eggshells and Dog. Both of these are in the gallery on this website.
Also if you would like to join me on Facebook I would be really pleased to see you there and the link to that is on the Home page of this website.
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Well I have got to Thursday without putting anything in the diary this week. Firstly on Monday we went out for the day, it was Bank Holiday, so I didn't get anything done. On Tuesday I had this brilliant idea around a tin of Sardines so started the painting. Was not that happy with it at the end of the day and on Wednesday I started another. The tin of Sardines were wrapped in cling film so they would not smell too bad but I forgot to put them in the fridge. When I unwrapped them today they smelt absolutely terrible so I had to put them in a sealed container and into the bin. The other one that I started on Wednesday also was not going anywhere. With that I have gone over both of them with new ones, hence the funny looking colours. I think under the leak there is a cake and under the pomegranate there are the fish.